Traditional Drawings

Dream on
Hi there!!
This Drawings page is about showing up some of the "most" finished drawing things out, but the thing is that i never close the door to continue drawings cause allways feel that there's something better or new&better to do to achieve my goal, so... anyway, hope you have fun watching them!


This is where drawings will show up!

Title: "smile!"
Art Suplies: Graphite pencils on a scketching surface medium grain A4 paper ( 100lbs/ 220 gsm)
Scketch from a reference photo of a skull, practicing human anatomy.

Title: "Selfportrait"
Art Suplies: Graphite pencils on a scketching surface medium grain A4-B paper ( 190 gr/m2)
Selfportrait drawing for the opening day of my internet places and presentation as "who I am"
I decided to do that cause as a presentation of an "illustrator" does meaning to me to change a photograph of me for a drawing of myself .
The banner on my Internet places like this blog banner aswell, are just the eyes portion cuted out for the purpose design for them.

Title: "eggvolution"
Art Suplies: Graphite pencils on a scketching surface medium grain A4 paper ( 100lbs/ 220 gsm)
Drawing a Chicken , satire of evolution thing..

Title: "Dark Forest"
Art Suplies: Graphite pencils on a scketching surface medium grain A4 paper ( 100lbs/ 220 gsm)
Drawing for a etry to a traditional techniques contest about the "dark Forest" subject. So I did Pencilled and scaned it out.
I played a bit with the fact that the way does a "U" shape that either comes or goes away from from the espectator, who's in the middle and seems to have to take a choice!

Title: "beaten"
Art Suplies: Graphite pencils on a scketching surface medium grain A4 paper ( 100lbs/ 220 gsm)
Drawing between reference and imagination...

Title: "EggSod@"
Art Suplies: Pastels on a ml.teintes canson paper 50x70 cm.
Pastel technique interpretation of an exode of eggs by a soda explosion... :P
Title: "Let's paint!"
Art Suplies:Watercolor paint / Medium Paper grain 300 gr/m2 .
Here aiming for a child kind of an illustration about painting!

Title: "send me an angel" (angel statue reference)
Art Suplies: Graphite pencils on a scketching surface medium grain A4 paper ( 100lbs/ 220 gsm)
Drawing from a photo of an angel statue.

Title: "Star Rose"
Art Suplies: color pencils on a scketching surface medium grain A4 paper ( 100lbs/ 220 gsm)
Drawing a rose from imagination giving some kind of acting to her.. a star rose saying HI WORLD !

Title: "Single Rose"
Art Suplies: color pencils on a scketching surface medium grain A4 paper ( 100lbs/ 220 gsm)
Drawing a rose from imagination giving some kind f a meaning this time without any action, the simple straight pose, sitting in middle tithout any distraction around makes feel some kind of loneliness and empty space around her.
As many times, the big importance of not filling up the background, to give the eyes less distraction from the focal point.

Title: "Josep Cuní" ( Tv. presentator)
Art Suplies: Graphite pencils on a scketching surface medium grain A4 paper ( 100lbs/ 220 gsm)
Drawing from a real photo of him due to the planing about my final project in Art school today 26 of June.
As a well known and famous about his serious pose presentator in 8Tv I did that portrait cause i wanted him to present my project as an interview to me, playing with this fake dialog between him and my selfportrait pencil drawing.
Title: "Boira's portrait" ( My lovely dog!)
Art Suplies: Graphite pencils on a  medium surface grain A2 paper ( 320 gsm)
Drawing from a real photo of her. I want to point out the importance of the perspective camera shot: she is shy, easy scares, allways pleasing for eat something and very good educated and polite dog! ^^ So when I decided to make that drawing of her , I thought about translating visually way her personality so I looked for that Camera shot where she shows it out out; that looking saying more than anything I can write.
So,I hope&wish you liked it the same way I had enjoy doing it!
Title: "GOD's clock"
Art Suplies: Graphite pencils on a  medium surface grain A4 paper ( 320 gsm)
Drawing from imagination: the main thing was the idea of the universal clock asa normal known one's but in a much larger scale: universe and planets themselves are the main system of gears that compose it.

Title: “Joan Queralt portrait”
Art Suplies: Graphite pencils on a scketching surface medium grain A4 paper ( 100lbs/ 220 gsm)
Following with the idea of capturing the essence of who's aiming the portrait identity, I relied of instant capturing! of my subjects by describing their personality through for example: facial expressions, caracteristical hands movements or signs that express their real "behavour?" while talking in the tv program that I am used to see where they discuss about actual news in a deep way, called 8aldia (that program is directed and conducted by Josep Cuní, which portrait has been done before).
So Joan Queralt's portrait wanted not only, focus on the esthetical search but also in the most caracteristical signs that he does when he really want to put emphasis "in a particular matter".
Title: “Back to school”
Art Suplies: Watercolor paint with diferent brush sizes in a Medium grain watercolor A5 paper ( 300 gsm/m2)
(I also added some finish lines in ink)
The watercolors are for me a tough lesson . Why? cause i've been allways painting in acrilics or in oils witch they allow you to search whites or put whites whenever u want. The whole inconvenient for me then is going reverse : from washed white colors to more darkness also leaving the pure white areas alone while strategizing the whole painting thing.
Theme explanation : We just entered September month and this month moment mean for many kids that are going back to school (around 15th of september) , so I decided to do that "theme" in my new entry/post, including some humour on it: "The animals on the woods leave their homes  the first day they go back to school to not be late at first class! ;)"

Chirs Clawson Caricature
Art Suplies: Graphite pencils on a scketching surface medium grain A4 paper ( 190 gr/m2)
Chris Clawson is my sister's boyfriend! Right now he is having a big opening of a new burger restaurant in London!
He is really (and I mean REALLY) good cheff and I just wanted to give him a fast drawing "portarit/caricature" to celebrate this thing and wishing him (and to all the staff of this restaurant) my best wishes in this new journey!
Best luck guys&girls! You will ROCK there for sure!
Title: “Here comes the sun”
Art Suplies: Graphite pencils on a scketching surface medium grain A4 paper ( 190 gr/m2)
It was soposed to be just a scketch idea about a funny and cute animal, and it finally became between a final drawing & scketch ...
When I was drawing this hamster driving a wheel (without references) it started to come a bright shiny sun through the window on the left as it shows the image, and it came to me the "here it comes the sun" idea... and in the final rendering that i will do with Manga studio (once I will scan it properly) it will be the main wheel the Sun thing!
So as usually... my drawings start with no point at all and it just comes to me the main story of the story while im in the middle of the process, like it happened again to this one :P
NOTE: From here I will render it out with my digital tablet through Manga studio and i will post it as a "digital drawing" and in the "drawing process" tab aswell!
Title: “You're mine!”
Art Suplies: Graphite pencils & color pencils on a A4 paper surface medium grain ( 350 gr/m2)
One of the comissions I've been involved doing it with a dry mixed technique.
Title: “The Jumper”
 Art Suplies: Graphite pencils on a scketching surface medium grain A4 paper ( 100lbs/ 220 gsm)
This frog drawing comes from the idea of showing another graphite pencil render, coming from the initial scketch (done with  watersoluble graphites in a DIN5 Aquareable support in about 5-10 minutes), showing the procés in 3 image steps wich ones will be shown in the Drawing processes tab here in my blogger, being this one the last final render done in the traditional medium .
I have to say that in adition, I will take this one and render it out even more and aplying color on it with my digital wacom tablet, wich result will be shown in the  digital drawing tab also here in my blogger.
Hope you like it! Cheers! ^_^

8 comentaris:

  1. You are extremely talented! I would never be able to recreate hair like in your "Selfportrait". So awesome! Keep on brother!!!

    1. Raymond! :D omg thanx bro! You made my day m8! ;) Hehehe
      The hair is only about fun ray! You know just being curious about how they twist and spending time on it :P... and let me tell you again one more time Raymond, You have a really gret art pieces as I saw in your header for example on g+ or are just incredible !!! We keep on touch m8! Cheers!

  2. Respostes
    1. UFFF! :D Moltes gràcies Cédric! És un plaer llegirque t'agrada! :D Estem en contacte ! ;)

  3. Respostes
    1. JES! :D Muchas gràcias crack, se intenta !! ;) nos vemos pronto!

  4. Your drawings are like sweet songs. They are music to my ears. Beautiful!

    1. Thank you so much offscreen365 !!!! Thank you so much for those kind words! I am very glad that you like them but above all things that transmit you such a beatifull feelings!
